You can sow your seed of any amount by choosing your preferred method below.
We recommend setting up a recurring partnership using Debit & Credit Card.


What is a partner?
Partners are individuals, families, businesses and even other ministries that regularly pray for and financially support River City Church.
When you become a partner with River City, you directly connect yourself to the work and the rewards of this ministry. Your gift of partnership enables us to preach the gospel all over the world and carry out the vision the Lord has given us to bring in the end-time harvest of souls.

Partner with River City Church
Did you know that Jesus and the Apostles had partners? Partnership is the system God uses to promote his kingdom.
Luke 8:1-3 shows us that Jesus had wealthy partners who traveled with him and his disciples. They sowed seeds that financed the ministry’s mission. They never lacked!
The Apostle Paul also had partners who attached themselves to his ministry. In fact, when speaking to the Philippians—his very first partners—he commended them for their faithfulness. He told them that all their needs would be supplied because of their partnership! (Philippians 4:19.)
Partnership is God’s way of blessing you, as well! It’s important to understand that although your seed is blessing others, it’s not a donation. We’re not “supporting a nonprofit;”we’re positioning ourselves for supernatural harvests by sowing seeds of faith! God gives seed to the sower because he wants a way to abundantly bless us.
As you partner with us, you should expect a supernatural financial increase. Paul told the Corinthians that as they gave, all grace would abound to them so they would always be content and abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).